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Common Questions

What is a "mind-body" approach and how can it help me? 

A mind-body approach uses the experience and wisdom of the body along with more cognitive techniques to help clients overcome the obstacles that hold them back from living more successfully in their professional and personal lives. Techniques that are used include focusing on the breath, spontaneous movements ("talking with your hands"), tracking clients' "real-time" experience in their bodies, supporting a capacity to feel their feelings and make more conscious choices when they feel reactive to situations in their lives. This approach is very helpful in supporting lasting, real change that clients can put into practice and embody. 

Is therapy right for me?

There are many reasons why people seek therapy. Sometimes it is to deal with long-standing psychological issues, or problems with anxiety or depression.  Many seek the support of a therapist as they pursue their own personal exploration and growth. Working with a therapist can help provide insight, support, and new strategies for all types of life challenges. Therapy can help address many types of issues including depression, anxiety, conflict, grief, stress management, body-image issues, and general life transitions. 

Do I really need therapy?  I can usually handle my problems.

Everyone goes through challenging situations in life, and while you may have successfully found your way through other difficulties, there's nothing wrong with seeking out support when you need it.  Therapy provides long-lasting benefits and support, giving you the tools you need to avoid triggers, re-direct damaging patterns, and overcome whatever challenges you face. I believe that it takes courage to admit that you could use some support. 

How can therapy help me?

A number of benefits are available from participating in psychotherapy. Therapists can provide support, problem-solving skills, and enhanced coping strategies for issues such as depression, relationship troubles, and stress management. Therapists can provide a fresh perspective on a difficult problem or point you in the direction of a solution. Some of the benefits available from therapy include:

  • Attaining a better understanding of yourself, your goals and values
  • Developing skills for improving your relationships
  • Finding resolution to the issues or concerns that led you to seek therapy
  • Learning new ways to cope with stress and anxiety
  • Managing anger, grief, depression, and other emotional pressures
  • Improving communications and listening skills
  • Changing old behavior patterns and discovering new, healthier "coping skills". 
  • Improving your self-esteem and boosting self-confidence

What is therapy like? 

Every therapy session is unique and builds on your priorities and goals.  Therapy can be short-term, focusing on a specific issue, or longer-term, addressing more complex issues or ongoing personal growth.  Here are some things you can expect out of therapy:

  • Compassion, empathy, respect and understanding
  • Perspectives to illuminate persistent patterns and negative feelings
  • Integration of changes you have made 
  • Real strategies for enacting positive change

Is medication a substitute for therapy?

I am not a prescriber, but I can make referrals to professionals who are able to prescribe. In some cases a combination of medication and therapy may the right course of action. I have years of experience collaborating with both western and holistic health care practitioners. It is very important to discuss any mental health challenges with your medical provider.  While prescription medication can be very helpful and essential to the stabilization of some people, having additional support via therapy can address the causes of our distress and the behavior patterns that limit our progress. 

Is therapy confidential?

I hold my interactions with clients with deep integrity and confidentiality, whether they be clients seeking therapy, coaching, or bodywork. 

In general, the law protects the confidentiality of all communications between a client and psychotherapist. No information is disclosed without prior written permission from the client, except for the following exceptions: 

  • Suspected child abuse or serious neglect.  A therapist is required to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately. 
  • If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person. A therapist is required to notify the police.
  • If a client intends to harm himself or herself. The therapist will make every effort to work with the individual to ensure their safety. However, if an individual does not cooperate, additional safety measures may need to be taken.